Our team exists thanks to a great passion of many people, who left part of their life in aviation and would like to continue promoting polish aviation engineering for a wide range of audience. Experience and engagement which is brought by them allow us to reach our goals even better as well as prospect for a great future projects undertaken by White-Red Wings Team.
Meet us better!
Piotr Maciejewski
Co-Founder and CEO of Foundation, 3AT3 Formation Pilot and TS-11 Pilot
Jakub Kubicki
Foundation Co-Founder, 3AT3 Formation Pilot, TS-11 & An-2 Pilot
Tadeusz Zaworski
Chief pilot of TS-11 Iskta
Henryk Szkudlarz
Test pilot, flight instructor for TS-11
Piotr Krasiński
3AT3 Formation Pilot and Founder
Jakub Śliwiński
3AT3 Formation Pilot
Mirosław Obrębski
Test pilot, flight instrctor on TS-11 Iskra aircraft
Adam Wojdat
Marek Kurzy
Bartosz Kawa
Junior technician
Filip Modrzejewski